Michael Wara

director of the climate and energy program at Stanford University’s Woods Institute for the Environment


Senior Research Scholar at the Woods Institute for the Environment; Director of the Climate and Energy Policy Program at Stanford University.

Michael Wara on KCRW

Yosemite’s Washburn Fire has scorched 3,000 acres. To stave off the worst damage, should California focus on putting out current fires or preventing them in the first place?

Best defense against worst wildfires? Low-intensity prescribed burns

Yosemite’s Washburn Fire has scorched 3,000 acres. To stave off the worst damage, should California focus on putting out current fires or preventing them in the first place?

from Press Play with Madeleine Brand

The federal government is giving California $600 million for forest restoration work, post-fire cleanup, and the removal of so-called hazard trees.

Can $600 million in federal funds help CA heal from wildfires?

The federal government is giving California $600 million for forest restoration work, post-fire cleanup, and the removal of so-called hazard trees.

from Press Play with Madeleine Brand

The Easy Fire broke out early today in Simi Valley, and within hours, it swept over thousands of acres, pushed by 50-70 mph winds.

The economic impact of fire evacuations and blackouts

The Easy Fire broke out early today in Simi Valley, and within hours, it swept over thousands of acres, pushed by 50-70 mph winds.

from Press Play with Madeleine Brand

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