KCRW needs supporters like you. Help us unlock our future — while supporting unhoused Angelenos

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With vaccinations and re-openings, life right now is all about the future. Now we decide what to leave behind and where to refocus. Here at KCRW, we have been thinking about how we can help build a better tomorrow. KCRW’s Drive to the Future is our spring fundraiser benefiting KCRW and community organizations in the LA area. 

As we look forward together, we have an opportunity to rethink our priorities and make things better. So instead of just reminding you to give, we’re asking you to engage.

During KCRW’s Drive to the Future, we’re partnering with three organizations to spotlight and strengthen their important work.

Our goal is to raise awareness around these selected organizations that focus on public health, education, and housing — three issues that came into stark focus over the past 14 months. We’ll give a portion of our proceeds and a lion’s share of our attention to each.

This week, we’re focused on homelessness. For each person who gives by May 10, we'll send a donation to Inner City Law Center, on Skid Row in downtown LA. They provide free, high-quality legal representation to LA's precariously housed and those experiencing homelessness.

Become a monthly member now and you’ll be powering KCRW and Inner City Law Center, making a difference right here in LA.

Plus, if you donate today, each dollar you give will double for KCRW, up to $25,000. That’s thanks to the generosity of the Hillenburg family who say, “KCRW has always been a calm voice of reason in uncertain times.” 

Together, your contribution will go even further to support our work. So — what do you want to bring into the future? Let’s build a better tomorrow, together.

Thank you,

Jennifer Ferro

President of KCRW