The Gospel of Goldman: Top Ten Reasons to Support KCRW

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So, ladies and gentlemen, here is the Art Gospel, according to Edward Goldman: The Top Ten reasons – no, Ten Commandments - urging your support for KCRW, the radio station par excellence:

1. First: Our programs make you happy because you are never alone as we are always there for you.

2. Second: All of us at KCRW, day and night, are thinking of nothing else but you, smart and beautiful you.

3. We at KCRW are working our collective arse off to bring you up to speed on the latest and most relevant news about politics and culture.

4. And how about those mouth-watering food recipes and insights on the best places to eat and drink. That definitely makes for a very yummy reason number 4 to support KCRW.

5-6. When you tune in to KCRW you hear amazing music from all four corners of the world - music, brought to you by the best DJs in the business or performed live in our studios by great musicians. It's huge with the audience, and that's why it stands for reasons 5 and 6.

7. Tell me, where else but at KCRW can you hear mellifluous, in-depth interviews with authors of the latest books everyone is talking about?

8. And wouldn't you be lost in the woods without our experts tearing each other apart to make sure you go Left, Right and Center? That's reason number 8.

9. Next. You have no one to blame but yourself if you go to see a boring movie or play without first listening to KCRW commentators telling you what really "sings" and what "stinks."

10. And, finally, reason number 10 to stay tuned and to support KCRW is to make fun of the Russian accent of your very own Art Critic, Edward Goldman, while I continue to preach the gospel about the power and spirit of Art that brings joy to our lives.

