Good Food The Breakfast Show Hosted by Evan Kleiman Mar. 18, 2017 Food & Drink Listen 57 min MORE Photo courtesy of Ed Anderson From this Episode: The KCRW 'Good Food' breakfast montage In the radio biz, there’s a standard question we ask of all our guests when we do our microphone soundchecks: “What did you have for breakfast?” We kick off The Breakfast... 8 min April McGreger's biscuit crusade We can’t talk breakfast without talking biscuits. Though they’re also eaten for lunch and supper, too, biscuits are predominantly a breakfast food, says April McGreger , a... 11 min Chef Josef Centeno puts his L.A. spin on the traditional Japanese breakfast Most of the breakfast foods we eat in the US are sweet and hearty, from donuts and pancakes with maple syrup to frosted flakes and biscuits and gravy. At Orsa & Winston in... 6 min Cornmeal for Big Bad Breakfast In John Currence ’s world, cornmeal looms large. He’s the man behind the Big Bad Breakfast restaurants in Mississippi and Alabama and author of the cookbook, “ Big Bad... 12 min "The Dim Sum Field Guide" Next our breakfast crawl takes us in search of tasty Cantonese dim sum, where an endless parade of small plates and baskets filled with steamed dumplings, buns, balls and... 10 min It's all about eggs We could go on about breakfast forever. But since all good things must come to an end, we close out the show at the Santa Monica Farmers Market with an ingredient arguably... 9 min Credits Host: Evan Kleiman Producers: Laryl Garcia, Abbie Fentress Swanson, Camellia Tse, Joseph Stone