Editor’s Note: Musicians are often the harshest critics of other musicians AND their biggest celebrators. Taking a band on tour is an incredible way to show support, but that is quite an undertaking so we decided to let the KCRW Music Blog be a forum for some of our favorite artists to recommend some of THEIR favorite bands in a series called FANDOM.
First up, LA favorite Moses Sumney.

I often feel overwhelmed, drowning in a constant current of emails, texts, updates and notifications, the pinging of electronic devices sonically resembling the homogenous stream of new music there is to “check out”.
But then I hear Brooklyn-based serenader Nick Hakim, and time stops.
To listen to “Pour Another“, the first song off his upcoming debut EP, is to be washed over in a wave of reverberating reverie.
I’m floated into a simpler time, purged by the patient harmonies he cascades, and for a moment, I forget I have a body.