Underworld Live on KCRW

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Underworld and Jason Bentley
Underworld and Jason Bentley (The original image is no longer available, please contact KCRW if you need access to the original image.)

Underworld is one of Jason Bentley’s favorite bands. Let’s just put that out there right now.

Barking, their 8th studio album – and their 3 in three years – made his Top 10 Albums of 2010 list and today they played some of the standout tracks like “Scribble” and “Always Loved a Film.” Check out the live set in the archives here

This album marked their first time collaborating with a wide range of people and, judging by their interview with Jason, it won’t be their last.

”Working with different teams of people and what it did for Karl (Hyde) and I for our writing practices and processes – it was just a joy, “said Rick Smith. “With this album it just seemed time to grab the bull by the horns and go okay, let’s go for it. And we were very, very lucky. Everybody we approached said yes, immediately, which was a surprise…It was a great experience, helped a great deal by the Internet. A lot of file transfers going on, around the world, but a marvelous experience.”

Rick says it was fascinating to see the difference in the way their collaborators all worked, including Dubfire, Mark and Dean Ramirez, Paul Van Dyk and more.

Jason also brought up the topic of set lists, since their fans will notice they improvise less than they used to.

“For the longest time, for about 15 years, we didn’t have a setlist at all. We’d just scribble something down… we’re trying something a little different now, we’re fixing things a little more to find a different way of expressing ourselves, within what we do. And randomizing is one way to stimulate, but having randomized [laugh] the setlist for, as I say, about 15 years, we’re kind of enjoying taking a much more delicate approach for the moment. It’s interesting.”

Karl also added that they love working on films and hope to do more scoring.

“We grew up listening to film music. It was one of the things apart from electronics and dub reggae that we always agreed on, was our love of film music. And we see our music as being the music of films, or the music of driving. So when an opportunity to work on a great film comes along, we’re really keen.”

Can’t wait to hear more from these guys! Check out the set and a fantastic interview online here


Underworld on KCRW – Set List

1. Always Loved a Film

2. Scribble

3. Bird 1


4. Two Months Off

5. Rez/Cowgirl