What Do YOU Think of Henry Rollins?

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Henry loves music, traveling, poking fun at Jason Bentley and….snakes. Photo by Charles Previtire

Henry Rollins never keeps his opinions to himself and now it’s time to turn it around on him! He’s out of town during our winter pledge drive so we’re taking advantage of this time to lovingly “roast” our most outspoken DJ. And we want you to help!

We’ve launched a phone line – 877 789 8355 — where you can leave us a message and tell us what YOU think of Henry.   Keep it clean, make it weird, but don’t pull any punches. We’ll use the best messages during our membership drive next week.

(And hopefully you’ll tune in and call in your support with dollars during that time as well.)



p.s.: And if you missed Henry’s first show of the year before he took off on tour, it’s worth visiting in the archives. He is truly – TRULY –one of a kind.