KCRW Broadcast 529

Fanatic! Excited about you hearing this show. I think this is the first time we’re able to bring you some of the music I just picked up in Australia last month.

So many new records out this year! It’s going to be a great summer of listening.

Fanatic, I’m about 99% sure we’ve got this confirmed: Last week, KCRW legend Mario Cotto wrote me and asked if we were interested in having Craig Leon as a guest on our show. We can have the man who produced the first Ramones and Suicide albums hang out with us live?! So, it looks like it’s going to happen. I know this is not a lot of notice but he’ll be performing this coming Friday in Pasadena and I guess will still be in town. How could we refuse?

Here’s the info on that.

We’re putting things together right now. If all goes to plan, we will be live with Mr. Craig Leon a week from tonight. Check next week’s show notes for the confirm. I think I’ll know for sure in the next 24 hours but I think we’ve got this. Cool, right?!

Otherwise, we’ve got a great show for you. Below are the tracks. We hope you dig it. Hopefully, we will be live with the great Craig Leon and you next week!

Have a great week and STAY FANATIC!!!

–– Henry

Instagram: HenryandHeidi


