MBE June 3: Elivs Mitchell’s vinyl selects and music stories

Elvis Mitchell hangs with Novena and Anthony at KCRW HQ. Photo by Anna Chang.

Elvis Mitchel hosts KCRW’s The Treatment, but in our minds he’s known as The John Cena of Cinema, The Walt Whitman of Wisdom, The Kendrick Lamar of Criticism, and The David Thorough of Deep Thought. Today he joins us on MBE with his record bag in tow — we’re talking handpicked, real life vinyl selects that give us a window into the brilliant way he receives and interprets art. 

His gems include Aretha on piano, the first record Mitchell ever bought at a garage sale in his hometown of Detroit, and a Minnie Riperton stunner produced by Stevie Wonder. 

In addition to the music, he shares the details of The Treatment’s new segment titled “The Treat,” where his guest of choice brings in and talks about a piece of music, a movie, article of clothing, or anything else that moves or inspires them. Delight in this free flowing exchange complete with Novena’s impromptu jingles, Anthony’s analogies, and Elvis’s take on social media's ability to democratize criticism and the “appetite for excitement” that keeps him going. Check his show out its new time, 11 a.m. every Saturday on KCRW!  

As a bonus, bust out your dancing shoes in celebration of two incomparable figures on their birthdays: Curtis Mayfield and KCRW DJ Raul Campos! 





Anna Chang