Tom Schnabel Shares Cuban Classics

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Rhythm Planet host Tom Schnabel swings by the studio to play some Cuban classics.

  • Estrellas de Areito — the top all stars of the state-run Areito label, this cut gives us the anatomy of a Cuban band, with the greatest Cuban musicians ever assembled together — Ruben Gonzalez, Tata Guines, Felix Chappotin, and others. This is both charanga and cha cha. 
  • Jose FajardoKikiriki — the great Cuban flutist gives us a big-beat mambo from the 1950's, done in the charanga style of flute and fiddles. The flute is a 5-key ebony Cuban style flute.
  • Benny MoréQué Bueno Baila Usted (“How Well You Dance”) one of the greatest mambos by the iconic Cuban singer. 

Photo: Repeating Islands






Rachel Reynolds