Can Signal Corps Save L.A.?

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After reviewing millions of pages of documents and interviewing 1000 witnesses, the 9/11 Commission had a stark warning today. Los Angeles has been a terrorist target before, and it could be again. That's one message from today's massive, 9/11-Commission report. How well coordinated are so-called "first responders", police, fire, and medical technicians, in LA County's 88 cities? In the event of disaster, could they even talk to each other? Since another attack is "possible" even "probable," questions were raised about preparing some 44,000 state and local agencies just to communicate with each other. LA County Sheriff's Captain Mike Grossman works with the Los Angeles Terrorism Early Warning Group. He examines solutions presented by "Signal Corps" as proposed by Commission member John Lehman.
  • Making News: California Favors Environment over Economy
    California voters are more worried about the environment than almost anything else including growth of the economy. They'd even restore the vehicle license fee eliminated by Governor Schwarzenegger, whose approval ratings, incidentally, have slipped a bit. Those are some of the results of the latest statewide survey by the Public Policy Institute of California. Mark Baldessare is Survey Director.
  • Reporter's Notebook: California's Global Warming Lawsuit
    Will Global Warming cause droughts and forest fires? The State of California says, yes and thinks it can prove it. Chris Bowman, environmental reporter for Sacramento Bee, joins us with the details.

PPIC survey on the environment and Governor Schwarzenegger

9/11 Commission Report (summary)

Councilman Weiss' 10-point plan for preparing LA for terrorism

Attorney General's news release on global warming suit



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton