Catholic Cathedral Set to Open Its Doors

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LA-s new Roman Catholic Cathedral will be dedicated on Monday, fulfilling the dreams of Cardinal Roger Mahony and 5,800 people who donated $ 200 million to make it happen. Our Lady of Angels--with its soaring nave, alabaster windows and 25-ton bronze doors, designed by sculptor Robert Graham--was designed by Spanish architect Jos- Rafael Moneo. Inside, the themes will be love, civic pride and faith in God. Outside, protesters will carry signs saying, -No Fat Cat Cathedral.- We join Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jack Miles and a member of the Catholic Worker Community, a lay organization that ministers to the poor, for look ahead to Monday-s dedication and discussion of whether such majesty is the best way to worship God and serve the needy.
  • Newsmaker: Downey Police Shooting on Tape, but off the Air
    On Saturday, friends of Gonzalo Martinez will stage a march through Downey to protest the shooting of the 26 year-old unarmed man by Downey police in February. The videotaped shooting was partially aired on local TV, but failed to stir up the anger inspired by the LAPD beating of Rodney King or the beating of Donovan Jackson by Inglewood police. Salvador Duran, of KVEA, Channel 52, explains.

Archdiocese of Los Angeles

Our Lady of the Angeles Cathedral

St. Vibiana's



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton