Deep Throat Revealed

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Thirty-three years of political secrecy came to an end as former FBI agent Mark Felt told Vanity Fair that he's "the guy they call Deep Throat." That's the name that Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein gave to their anonymous source for the stories that helped end the presidency of Richard Nixon. Today in Santa Rosa, where her 91 year-old father lives in retirement, daughter Joan had a brief exchange with reporters. How and why did he do it? We speak with Nixonologists -- amateur and professional -- including KCRW's own Harry Shearer.
  • Making News: Mayor-elect Villaraigosa Names Transition Team
    Los Angeles Mayor-elect Antonio Villaraigosa has appointed a transition team with 82 members, to be directed by Robin Kramer. Kramer was the first chief-of-staff for former Mayor Richard Riordan, and was the first woman to hold that job. The transition team held its first meeting today. Kramer joins us to discuss the challenge ahead.

Daily Breeze article on Villaraigosa's transition team not living in LA

Vanity Fair article on Deep Throat

Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein's book, All the President's Men

Alan Pakula's movie, All the President's Men



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton