Every attempt at making the world a better place for people, starts with – you guessed it – people. What a surprise, right? We, as human beings, affect other human beings.
But that way-oversimplified thesis means nothing if not for good deeds and philanthropy, heart, and, of course, a dose of money too. How everyday people are creating paths to a better world.
A new book chronicles some of those people – including a few from right here in Southern California – and their paths.
Nicholas Kristof is a Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times columnist, and co-author of the book “A Path Appears,” co-written with his wife, Sheryl WuDunn.
The book differs from their last book, “Half the Sky,” in that it tells the stories of men as well as women, and also stories from the United States.
One story focuses on a girl named Khadijah, who grew up in a homeless shelter in Orange County, but traveled to South Central LA every school day in order to finish high school. She went on to graduate from Harvard University.
Kristof spoke with KCRW’s Steve Chiotakis about some of those stories, and his reasons for optimism in the face of bad news.
He’ll be speaking on Weds., Oct. 8 at All Saints Church in Beverly Hills as part of Live Talks Los Angeles. You can find tickets here. And he’ll host a breakfast on Thurs., Oct. 9 – get tickets here.