The concept of the densifying Los Angeles isn’t a new one. We’ve reported before on “building up,” in the city that established itself as ground zero for sprawl.
But neighborhoods are running out of ground, which has designers and architects considering new and untried ways for the people of LA to live in the years to come.
Some of those ideas are being presented at a new exhibition at the A+D Museum in downtown LA, called “Shelter: Rethinking How We Live in Los Angeles.”
Here’s how the show’s co-curator, Sam Lubell, described the project:
“Shelter” grows out of the idea that LA is becoming a completely different place than even 10, 20 years ago. It’s a place that’s much denser, it’s a place that has much more respect for the public realm and it’s also a place that has environmental challenges, cost challenges. But the residential realm of Los Angeles — which is really the most famous and storied — has not kept up with those changes, and our goal is to help come up with new models to help people rethink how we live in Los Angeles.
Frances Anderton is host of KCRW’s DnA: Design and Architecture and she’s visited the show. She told KCRW’s Steve Chiotakis about some proposals for LA homes of the future. You can read Frances’ interview with the curators of “Shelter” here.