Debates Old and New, Newsweek and George McGovern

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In a light moment on the campaign trail, President Obama and Mitt Romney poked fun at themselves and each other at a Catholic charity dinner Thursday. The stop was sandwiched between their spirited and contentious second debate just days before, and next week's final debate. On Monday the topic is foreign policy and both will try for their second win. Will it be about China, Afghanistan withdrawal, Libya? Or will the candidates find a way to bring it back to economics and America's financial strength around the world? Newsweek announced they will not longer be publishing a print edition. Is that a loss? It's a moment to reflect on the new model of journalism. Former presidential candidate George McGovern is dying in hospice care. Bob Scheer reflects on his life.

Joining us this week with the conservative view is Josh Barro, blogger for Bloomberg View.



Banner image: Senator George McGovern speaking at the Richard M. Nixon Library and Museum in Yorba Linda, California during his book tour, August 26, 2009. Photo by Sclarkson




Josh Barro