A Strained Friendship between the US and Mexico?

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George W. Bush and Vicente Fox became friends when Bush was Governor of Texas, long before the conservative gentleman ranchers both became president of their countries. Now, what Bush once called America-s -most important relationship- has been submerged by the war on terror, turning Bush-s attention away from Fox-s -open border- proposal. With Fox going his own way in the Security Council, backslapping camaraderie between the two has given way to strained good manners. What hear what that portends for trade, immigration, and other contentious issues from Denise Dresser of the Pacific Council on International Policy, David Ayon of the Center for the Study of Los Angeles and Daniel Lund of the Mexico City-based market research firm MundAmericas.
  • Newsmaker: Supervisors Delay Further Healthcare Cuts
    In this month-s election, LA County voters approved Measure B by 73%, agreeing to increase property taxes to save local trauma centers. Today, County Supervisors decided to put off possible cuts in other health services until next year. Supervisor Yvonne Brathwaite Burke explains the board-s reason for postponing action and its hopes for renewed federal and state aid.

Measure B

LA County Department of Health Services

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center

The White House

The Presidency of Mexico

Department of Homeland Security

Immigration and Naturalization Services

Zemi Communications



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton