Dignitaries from all over the state and around the US will celebrate tomorrow at the opening of the Alameda Corridor. Twenty years in the making, the project comprises 20 miles of bridges, underpasses, overpasses and street improvements, including a 10-mile railway below ground level. The 2.4 billion-dollar rail and truck line will speed cargo from the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to the rail yards of downtown LA and on to the rest of the country. James Hankla, CEO of the Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority, says the new system is great for the nation and for the region. But Carlos Porras, Executive Director of Communities for a Better Environment, says that the benefits will be at the expense of the people who live and work alongside the system.
- Newsmaker: Election Results in Long Beach Mayoral Primary
In Tuesday's primary election for Mayor of Long Beach, the candidate who came in first wasn't even on the ballot. Jason Gewirtz, who covers City Hall for the Long Beach Press Telegram, attributes low turnout and highly informed voters for the victory of termed-out write-in candidate, Mayor Beverly O'Neill. - Reporter's Notebook: Federal Review Finds Two Security Gaps at San Onofre
Since September 11, America's nuclear power plants have been on the highest state of alert. But last year, while visiting Southern California Edison's San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, inspectors for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission observed two security breaches. Ray Golden, spokesman for the plant, plays down the significance of the violations.
City of Long Beach
Long Beach Elections
Long Beach Press Telegram
Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority
Communities for a Better Environment
LA County Metropolitan Transit Authority
Port of Long Beach
Port of Los Angeles
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission