The Bush years have been marked by a vigorous debate on whether America has moved from superpower to empire. When she was National Security Advisor, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice clearly said the United States had no imperial ambitions. But with no other superpowers in sight, what is the role of the US in the world today? How have President Bush's strategies on national security and the "war on terror" affected America's actions on the global stage, and how is it regarded by others? What about the challenge from growing economic giants such as China? At home, does a decline in civic involvement signal a weakening from within? Guest host Sara Terry guest explores the forces shaping America's identity. (An extended version of this segment originally aired earlier today on
To the Point.)
- Making News: Villaraigosa Completes First Year as Mayor of Los Angeles
Antonio Villaraigosa marked his first major milestone in office this past weekend, his first anniversary as Mayor of Los Angeles. The occasion has invited all manner of newspaper columns and critiques of how the city's first Latino mayor in 130 years is doing. Raphael Sonenshein wrote one of those critiques, for the op-ed page of the Los Angeles Times. He's a political scientist and Cal State Fullerton, and the author of The City at Stake: Secession, Reform and the Battle for Los Angeles.
Guest host
Sara Terry is an award-winning writer and photographer, Her latest photo-documentary project is
Aftermath: Bosnia's Long Road to Peace.
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
Mayor Villaraigosa's plan to fund expanded LAPD with increased trash-collection fees
Villaraigosa's LAUSD reform/takeover plan
Sonenshein's LA Times op-ed piece on Mayor Villaraigosa's first year