An Update on the State of Public Education in the US

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Though two years ago, both parties supported President Bush-s No Child Left Behind Act, many teachers, parents and state education administrators now say thousands of children are indeed being left behind. There-s general consensus that teachers are underpaid, classrooms are overcrowded and test scores, once the pride of the US, are abysmal, compared with much of the world. While at many schools, physical education and the arts have been dropped altogether, at others children are charged a yearly fee to play soccer or join the school band. So, why aren-t we hearing more about education from either camp on the campaign trail? Guest host Diana Nyad speaks with education policy experts and state and federal Education Department officials. (An extended version of this discussion was broadcast earlier today on To the Point.)

No Child Left Behind Act

US Department of Education

Kerry on education

Bush on education

Phi Delta Kappa International on education advocacy

ACT Assessment Test

SAT Assessment Test



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton