- Newsmaker: JDL-s Irv Rubin Declared Brain Dead
Irv Rubin is brain dead and on life-support, according to the US Marshals- Service. The leader of the Jewish Defense League was being held without bail in the Metropolitan Detention Center on charges of conspiring to blowup a mosque and a congressman-s office. Marshals say he attempted suicide but Rubin-s family claims that he was attacked. Rob Eshman of the Jewish Journal looks at what Rubin-s loss means for the Jewish community. - Reporter's Notebook: Measure A: Safety Bond or Free Money for Museums?
Will Measure A provide earthquake safety simply serve as a blank check for local museums? After faulting Measure A for its -deceptive packaging,- the LA Weekly has come out in support of the measure. We get two other perspectives from opponent Mark Selzer of the Southern California Libertarian Party, and proponent Mark Slavkin of the LA County Music Center.
Analysis and Overview of California Election 2002
Faced with voters who are dissatisfied with all of California-s gubernatorial candidates, political pollsters are predicting that tomorrow will become just another election with another apathetic electorate. Yet that-s not the only reason for voters- lack of interest in tomorrow-s ballot. Despite some 157 candidates vying for Congress, the state Assembly and Senate, and the State Board of Equalization, most races have already been decided as the result of last year-s redistricting. We get an overview of tomorrow-s ballot, and the campaigns that might have been, from the editor of the California Journal, a Sacramento-based nonpartisan political magazine, and the former city editor, columnist and political reporter for the Los Angeles Times.