Beyond Affirmative Action

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Michael Rappaport: Contact: Sheila Casey 310.206.1131; 800.beep.231, PIN 93556 Dean of admissions, UCLA Law School; he is a lawyer as well; has written about affirmative action for The Black Law Journal, and the L.A. Times.Eugene Volokh: Professor of Constitutional Law, UCLA Law school. Jerome Karabel: Professor of sociology at U.C. Berkeley, specializing in education and admissions. He designed Berkeley-s undergraduate admissions program. Michael Williams: Member of the Board of the Center for New Black Leadership; former Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights in U.S. Department of Education Under President Bush (emphasis on issues of higher education). Thomas Kane: An economist at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government. He has studied proposals to replace racial preferences with economic criteria and says the new method will not produce the same diversity. He also says that minority students admitted under affirmative action to elite schools do better than similar minority students at non-elite schools. Dave Murray: Director of research at STATs, a non-profit group which helps journalists with stories on science. They interpret data and put journalists in touch with experts; he's a former professor of anthropology at Brandeis and Brown. Miriam Komaromy, MD: Assistant professor of medicine at UCSF; she-s been doing research in health services, and will soon run the internal medicine training program. She is lead author of a study The Role of Black and Hispanic Physicians in Providing Health Care for Underserved Populations, published last year in The New England Journal of Medicine.Matt Lait: Staff reporter at The Los Angeles Times.Alex Abrams: Journalist, author, and political analyst. Wrote Late Bloomers: Coming of Age in America; The Right Place at the Wrong Time [Random House].

topic: Staff shake-up at the LAPD



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton