topic: L.A. Congressmen Support MTA Revamp
Bilingual Education
Ron Unz: Silicon Valley businessman. He helped author Proposition 227. Holli Their: Citizens for an Educated America. Baca-Their and Associates, community relations. Deirdre Alpert: Senator, D-Coronado. Offered a bill touted as a better alternative to Proposition 227. It would have allowed local school districts to determine their own bilingual education programs, based on sound educational theories. Rep. Xavier Becerra: Congressman D-30: Echo Park, Silverlake, East LA. David Vellante: Senior Vice President at International Datacorp, a market research firm specializing in the technology business. Rick Rule: Legal Counsel for Microsoft and Partner at Washington, D.C. law firm Covington and Burling. Previously an assistant attorney general in charge of Anti-trust Division U.S. Department of Justice.