- Reporter-s Notebook: New York-s William Bratton Vies for Job as LAPD Chief
One of the 47 candidates who declared his hopes of becoming Chief of the LAPD is William Bratton. The former head of the Boston Police Department, New York Transit Police and New York City Police now advises police departments on how to fight crime for Kroll Associates. Part of the team monitoring LA-s federal consent decree, Bratton explains why he resigned to become a candidate for the LAPD-s top job.
Bill Simon Responds to Public-s Tax Probe
Releasing tax returns has become a painful ritual for California gubernatorial candidates, but unlike current and former Governors Gray Davis, Pete Wilson and George Deukmejian, this year-s Republican challenger had refused-until now. Bill Simon told reporters he had been protecting the privacy of his six siblings who, like him, derive their income from a family investment business. Acting to defuse a -bogus issue- and refocus attention on Davis- financial mismanagement of the state, Simon has released 11 years of returns. But he imposed strict limitations on his returns, who can see them and when. We speak with Governor Davis- senior political advisor and the chair of the California Republican Party about why Simon changed his mind and how much information he-s made available to reporters.