Bush Shuns California?

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President Bush spent 22 million dollars in California last year, while Al Gore, who spent nothing, won by 13 points. Has President Bush given up on California? Democrats say he has, and even some Republicans are worried. Now The New York Times says he's "relegated the state to political purgatory" because he's being told he can't win here in 2004. We hear about Bush's action -- and inaction - on issues near and dear to California from investment banker Gerald Parsky, who's one of the President's top California advisors, and Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff.
  • Newsmaker: Proposed Power Plant Seizures - It's reported that Governor Davis may refuse to pay energy generators' soaring price for electrical power even if it means rolling blackouts this summer. Jan Smutney-Jones, who heads the Independent Energy Producers Association, says we must develop focused efforts to counteract short supply, heavy demand and a surplus of finger pointing.
  • Reporter's Notebook: Compton Mayoral Elections - Running for his third four-year term is Compton's controversial mayor, Omar Bradley. After Bradley won 44 percent in yesterday's primary, four of his eight challengers said they'll support his opponent, Deputy District Attorney Eric Perrodin. Erin Aubry Kaplan, of the LA Weekly, calls the June 5 runoff a "referendum on old leadership."

Aurora Capital Group

California Independent System Operator

California Republican Party

Independent Energy Producers Association

LA Weekly

Rep. Adam Schiff



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton