While President Bush hasn't suggested that government be replaced by charities, he
has welcomed them as partners, inviting churches, synagogues, and mosques to deliver government services. This "faith-based initiative" has sparked fear about the sanctity of the separation between church and state. It's also generated concern about red tape, demands for accountability, and the development of an audit-mentality. We examine the problematic mix of "soup, soap and salvation" with directors of religious and secular charities, public policy makers and analysts. (Broadcast originally on today's
To the Point.)
- Newsmakers: Fallout from Governor Davis' Energy Plan - Auto malls, shopping centers and other retailers will have to dim their lights after closing or face fines of 1,000-dollars a day. Dallas Jones, director of the State Office of Emergency Services, promises that conservation efforts and enforcement will be designed and enforced with health and safety in mind.
- California's Power Exchange was born out of the state's energy deregulation. Utilities without their own generating plants bought through the energy trader. But the exchange is no more. As a result, thousand of customers who signed up for "green power" are in for a disappointment. Rick Counihan, of Green Mountain Energy, explains.
California's Office of Emergency Services
California Power Exchange
Green Mountain Power Company
Evangelical Lutheran Congregations of America
Salvation Army
Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life
Radcliffe College
The Atlantic Monthly
The American Prospect
The Weekly Standard