Carson Votes on LAUSD Breakup: Will Others Follow?

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Not since Torrance in 1948, has any community broken away from the LA Unified School District. But tomorrow, the city of Carson will vote on whether to take ownership of 17 schools with 22,000 students to form a new district. Supporters of Measure D are fed up with low test scores, high dropout rates and overcrowding. Opponents fear that the breakup will spark others. We speak with the leader of the secession movement, the head of the LA school board, and an advisor to Mayor Riordan who studied the feasibility of a LAUSD breakup, about the election that could set a precedent for America's second largest school system.
  • Newsmaker: LA Delegation Visits Mexico about Energy, Security - Los Angeles Mayor Jim Hahn is in Mexico City meeting with President Vicente Fox. Accompanying him is a 10-person delegation, including LA City Council President Alex Padilla. Padilla, the son of Mexican immigrants, praises Fox for his warm reception and willingness to address crucial issues of security, tourism, and international business development.

City of Los Angeles

Los Angeles City Council

Los Angeles Board of Education

Los Angeles County Alliance for Student Achievement

Measure D: Proposed Formation of the Carson Unified School District



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton