Cementing California

Hosted by
Heather Weiner: Attorney and policy analyst, Earth Justice Legal Defense Fund (formerly the Sierra Club legal defense fund.) Senator Harry Reid: Senior Senator from Nevada, Member, Environment and Public Works Committee, Ranking Democrat on the Wildlife subcommittee. Jim DeLong: Environmental consultant, author of Property Matters: How Property Rights are Under Assulat and Why You Should Care. Adjunct scholar at Competitive Enterprise Institute. Nancy McNally: Executive Director, National Endangered Species Act Reform Coalition. Karen Scarborough: Deputy Chief of Staff, San Diego Mayor Susan Golding. Allison Rolfe: Southern California Coordinator, SW Center for Biological Diversity. Is writing her master's thesis on San Diego's Multiple Species Conservation Program. Kathy Mannion: Director, California Government Affairs, Western Growers Bill Craven: Sierra Club California State Director. Charles Rappleye: News Editor, Los Angeles Weekly Jane Alexander: Resigned Chair, National Endowment of the Arts.



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton