City Council Splits - African Americans v. Padilla

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This week, 300 people stormed the LA City Council chambers to protest the first controversial action by the new Council President, Alex Padilla. They were protesting his failure to appoint three African-American colleagues to important committees. Padilla has since changed the lineup, but not everybody is happy and bitterness still remains. There's even talk of political payback and race politics. We speak with Padilla about his initial appointments and change of heart. We also hear from Councilwoman Jan Perry about "moving money" and African American representation on key committees.
  • Newsmaker: Playa Vista Builder Offers to Sell Wetlands - The massive Playa Vista Development on LA's Westside may end up a bit smaller than planned. Some 200 acres, part of the wetlands that inspired a grassroots protest movement, may be purchased by the Trust for Public Land. Peter Denniston, president of Playa Vista, says that 25 million dollars from Proposition 12 funds will help with the purchase.
  • Reporter's Notebook: Patt Morrison on Her New Book, R-o LA: Tales from The Los Angeles River - To most, it's a concrete drainage ditch. Yet there's increasing awareness that, here in this arid desert by the sea, Los Angeles really does have a river. LA Times columnist and broadcaster Patt Morrison has captured this "river of extremes" Tales from the Los Angeles River.

Playa Vista Development

Proposition 12 (Safe Neighborhood Parks-)

Trust for the Public Land

Los Angeles City Council

Alex Padilla, (President/7th District)

Jan Perry (9th District)

R-o LA: Tales from The Los Angeles River



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton