- Making News: Grocery Strike Costs Safeway $100 Million
With negotiations back under way in Washington to end Southern California-s four-month old grocery strike, Safeway announced a fourth-quarter loss of $700 million today, with $103 million in after-tax profits wiped out by the strike and lockout. David Greenberg of the LA Business Journal reports on this morning's conference call between Safeway CEO Steven Burd and market analysts. - Reporter's Notebook: Comcast Bids for Disney
Comcast cable is making a bid to merge with Walt Disney, despite the opposition of Michael Eisner. The hostile offer has completely overshadowed Eisner-s announcement of bigger first-quarter earnings than had been expected. We hear what Comcast's bid could mean for entertainment -- and Eisner -- from a former Disney board member, an expert on telecommunications policy, and a media and entertainment analyst. (This segment was aired earlier today, in its entirety, on To the Point.) - NOTE:
The FCC today began writing new rules to change the way the Internet is delivered and used. They-ll make it possible to plug modems into electrical wall sockets, and allow computers to send and receive telephone calls.
Safeway's news release on strike's affect on fourth-quarterly results
Justice Department's news release on money laundering, illegal steroid distribution
Almond's article on doping scandal