- Newsmaker: Police Commission Not Given Full Facts in Officer-Involved Shooting - It appears that neither the Los Angeles Police Commission nor Police Chief Bernard Parks knew all the facts when Parks recommended no disciplinary action be taken in a 1999 officer-involved shooting. Today, Police Commission President Raquelle de La Rocha says it was a simple case of one hand not knowing what the other was doing.
Film Productions Flying to Canada
The prime-time soap Pasadena is the latest in a series of productions to flee Hollywood for Canada in order to cut production costs, bleeding the city of an estimated 25,000 jobs and 3 billion dollars a year. To counter the momentum, the California Film Commission has begun offering incentives to productions that stay at home, and five US Senators have proposed tax breaks to lure projects that will enrich local economies and attract tourism. We take a look at film flight, protectionism and free trade, with a studio exec, actor-turned-Senator, and international trade expert.