Golden State Government

Hosted by
PETER SCHRAG: Former Editorial Editor of the Sacramento Be, now a visiting scholar at the Institute of Governmental Studies at UC-Berkeley and author of "Paradise Lost: California's Experience, America's Future", about the initiative process. DR. HARRY PACHON: President of The Tomas Rivera Policy Institute, a Latino issues think tank in Claremont. JOEL FOX: President of Howard Jarvis Taxpayers' Association, a group which sponsored Prop.13.RICK COLE: Southern California Director of the Local Government Commission, a non-profit organization that helps local governments implement new ideas. He's a former Mayor of Pasadena. JEAN ROSS: Executive Director of the California Budget Project, a non-profit group of fiscal analysts who study the budget, welfare reform, state spending and social services. RICH MASON: General Counsel, Los Angeles Unified School District. Paul Taylor: Director of Alliance for Better Campaigns, a public interest group dedicated to improving the conduct and discourse of politics, especially on television. He's a former news reporter for The Washington Post.

topic: Closed School Board Meetings?



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton