HMOs: Good Or Evil?

Hosted by
Mitchel Benson: Sacramento bureau reporter, Wall Street Journal California Jamie Court: Director, Consumers for Quality Care Bob Scarlett: Director of Legislative Affairs, Blue Cross, which covers 3.4 million Californians under the parent company WelPoint. Senator Herschel Rosenthal: Democratic State Senator from North Hollywood. Senator David Sibley: Republican State Senator from Texas' District 22. His bill allowing patients to sue managed care organizations has just become law in Texas. Nick Franklin: Senior Vice President for Public Affairs, PacificCare, the second largest HMO in LA County. Dr. Jack Bois: Outgoing president, California Podiatric Medical Association. Dr. Marie Kuffner: Chair, LA County Medical Association Board. Board member, California Medical Association. Professor of anestheselogy at UCLA and former chief of staff at UCLA Medical Center. Matt Stodder: Project Director, The Democracy Network Mark Hagland: Independent health care journalist and consultant; former editor, Hospitals and Health Networks Magazine.



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton