Iraqi American Views on Anti-War Protests

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Iraqis who fled the regime of Saddam Hussein are divided over achieving regime change by war. Some say the peace movement has betrayed the effort to end the war Saddam is waging against his own people. Others contend the problem cannot be solved by military means. We hear about the complexities of war and peace, regime change and human rights violations, and calls for genuine justice and peace in Iraq from Dr. Farouk Darweesh who left Iraq in 1974 to escape what he calls the fascist repression of Saddam Hussein, Salaam al-Maryati of the Muslim Public Affairs Council and anti-war protestor Jodie Evans who just returned from 10 days in Baghdad.
  • Making News: ACLU Lawsuit against City for Sweeps of Homeless
    This morning, the LAPD swept homeless people off Skid Row in downtown LA to enforce a city ordinance against camping on sidewalks. This afternoon, the law was called unconstitutional in a federal suit filed by the ACLU, the Catholic Worker and a homeless advocacy group called Las Familias del Pueblo. Cooperating counsel Carol Sobel says the ACLU-s -necessity defense- turns on the Eighth Amendment.

Conference of Mayors- report on hunger and homelessness in America

Lawsuit on behalf of LA homeless



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton