As Israel calls up reserves and prepares for a ground attack, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has announced plans to visit the region. Meantime, American and Iraqi officials argue that 150,000 foreign troops are preventing the country from descending into "civil war." But a report from the United Nations has some Sunni and Shiite leaders now using that term. Based on figures from Iraq's Health Ministry, the report determined that an average of almost 100 Iraqi civilians had been killed every day over the past two months. Will moderate Iraqis look to religious militias to maintain order? Do the militias have plans to divide the country? What does support for Israel mean for American credibility? (An extended version of this program was originally broadcast earlier today on
To the Point.)
- Making News: Secretary of State Rice Announces Trip to Middle East
The United States has rejected calls to urge an "immediate cease-fire" by Israel as well as Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon. Today, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met in New York with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. Later, she announced that she will meet Sunday with President Bush and Saudi Arabia's representatives in Washington before taking off for more meetings in the Middle East. We get an update from Robin Wright, diplomatic correspondent for the Washington Post.
State Department on Lebanon
UN Security Council Resolution 1559 on Lebanon
Wright's article on Israel's stepped up campaign, Secretary Rice's response
Iraqi government
Grand Ayatollah Sistani
Daragahi's article on kidnappings in Iraq
Daragahi's article on "civil war" in Iraq