Landfill Space
Paul Relis: Member, California Integrated Waste Management Board. Chairs the market development committee for the board. J. Winston Porter: President, Waste Policy Center. Was an Environmental Protection Agency assistant administrator for solid and hazardous wastes under Regean. (He is the one who came up with the 25% diversion.) J.P. Elmann: President, City of Los Angeles Board of Public Works, which includes garbage collection and recycling programs. Jim Dodenhoff: Area vice president, Browning Ferris Industries an international waste management company. Councilman Richard Alarcon: Los Angeles Councilman representing the 7th district, the NE San Fernando Valley. Was instrumental in closing the Lopez Canyon landfill. Rick Daniels: President and CEO of Mine Reclamation Corporation. Robert Roman Jr.: Vice-president, EMLOC, the Eagle Mountain Landfill Opposition Coalition. David Mares: Project planner for the Eagle Mountain Landfill, with the Riverside County planning department. Josh Meyer: Staff reporter for L.A. Times. Ralph Hallow: Senior National Correspondent, the Washington Times.