Legal Hostages

Hosted by
Ido Aharoni: Counsel for Communications, Israeli Consulate, Los Angeles. Marty Rosenbluth: Amnesty International Country Coordinator for Israel, the Palestinian Authority and the Occupied Territories. Ronni Shaked: Head of the Palestinian desk at Yediot Aharanot, Israel's largest newspaper. Professor George Irani: Professor of Political Science and Foreign Relations at the Lebanese American University, in Lebanon. Currently serving as Senior Fellow at the US Institute of Peace in Washington, DC. Dr. Gerald Bubis: West Coast Regional Director, American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. Palestinian American who grew up on the West Bank and came to the US in 1975. Doris Bloch: Executive Director, Los Angeles Regional Food Bank Trilby Lundberg: President, Lundberg Survey.

topic: Hunger Survey



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton