- Newsmaker: Power Update for Southern California Edison Users - Today's Stage 2 Alert continues until 10pm. Yesterday, power reserves plummeted, producing a Stage 3 Alert that could have caused rolling blackouts for 11 million Southern California Edison customers. Edison's Ron Nunnally says California faces a tight energy situation for the next couple years. (Add'l info: 800-611-1911)
- Reporter's Notebook: Was Ralph Nader Stiffed by the Media? - Ralph Nader is one of America's best-known consumer advocates. Last year he was the Green Party nominee for President. He faults the national media, including TV, radio and print, for minimizing his visibility to millions of Americans and for limiting their coverage of him to that of a Gore-spoiler.
The Martin Luther King Papers Project
Earl Ofari Hutchinson at Intellectual Capital.com
Evan Thomas' Newsweek articles
Rev. Norman Johnson and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference