Mayor-s Race Moves Into Higher Gear

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The election for Mayor of LA won-t be held until March, but incumbent Jim Hahn and four challengers will be debating live on KNBC-TV at 7pm this Thursday. After weeks of prodding, the Mayor agreed to appear with State Senator Richard Alarc-n, former Assembly Speaker Bob Hertzberg, former Speaker now City Councilman Antonio Villaraigosa and former Police Chief, now Councilman Bernard Parks. While the mayor may look like a sitting duck against 4 challengers, they'll have just one hour to make the case against Hahn-and against one another. We hear how political insiders rate his chances.
  • Making News: Medical Marijuana and States' Rights
    Two California women told the US Supreme Court today they need marijuana to survive debilitating illnesses. They sued Attorney General John Ashcroft for enforcing federal laws against marijuana possession, even though voters in California and 10 other states have legalized it for medical purposes. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals saw it their way, but the Justice Department appealed. David Pike covered today-s arguments for the Los Angeles Daily Journal.

Raich v Ashcroft

Raich's website

Mayor James Hahn

Alarc-n's mayoral campaign

Hertzberg's mayoral campaign

Parks' mayoral campaign

Villaraigosa's mayoral campaign



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton