Mexico Court Injunction

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In the age of NAFTA and global free trade, manufacturers are worried about a big win for organized labor. LA Federal Judge Carlos Moreno ruled that a Gardena business could not lay off 118 recently unionized workers and move to Tijuana. Is his ruling a trend or an exception to the rule? We ask a union representative for Quadrtech employees, experts from academia, lobbying and employer advocacy groups, the US Labor Department, a manufacturers association specializing in NAFTA and the former chair of the National Labor Relations Board.
  • Newsmaker: Florida Update - Special Session of Legislature - Florida's state courts and legislature have been struggling with who will be President of the United States. Mary Ellen Klas, a reporter for The Palm Beach Post, talks to us about Florida's activist court, determined legislature and hardball politics.
  • Reporter's Notebook: Steve Horn Retains House Seat - Although the vote won't be certified until next week, Republican Congressman Steve Horn of Long Beach has been re-elected in a nail-biter with his Democratic opponent, Gerrie Schipske. We learn more about our electoral process from Kim Alexander of the California Voter Foundation.

Bronfenbrenner's Report to US Trade Deficit Review Commission

California Voter Foundation



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton