Navigating the Los Angeles River

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Since the 1930's, the Los Angeles River has been a flood-control channel and a drainage ditch, full of trash, plastic bags and other garbage. Parts of it are dry most of the year. But last month the federal EPA declared it a "traditional navigable waterway." We go down to the river to find out what that could mean. Also, Latinos have suffered almost 50% of California's home-loan foreclosures, not for purchasing McMansions they couldn't afford, but for buying and refinancing modest homes. On our rebroadcast of today's To the Point, as more and more people qualify for insurance under healthcare reform, America's shortage of doctors is going to get worse. We look at the ways that medical practice is likely to change and what that will mean for patients.

Banner image: Los Angeles River, looking east, downstream, from the Victory Boulevard bridge on the Interstate 5.



Warren Olney