- Making News: Former Enron CEO Ken Lay Indicted
The word is out that former Enron CEO Kenneth Lay, the Texas energy tycoon who was a major contributor to then-Governor George W. Bush, has been indicted and will turn himself in tomorrow. Juli Niemann, senior vice-president and stock market analyst at R.T. Jones Capital Equities and co-author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Politics of Oil, updates the case that has wide-ranging implications for politics, business and investors. - Reporter-s Notebook: Governor-s Panel Urges Drastic Prison Reform
California-s $6 billion correctional system is America-s largest. A national model as recently as the 1970-s, a panel of experts has concluded that it-s now become one of the worst. It-s run by the prison guards- union, and it fails to rehabilitate inmates, which has led to the nation-s highest rate of recidivism. Former law-and-order Governor Republican George Deukmejian, who led the panel, says restructuring the system will save money and lives.
Nielsen press release on 'people meters' ratings in LA
Nielsen press release, responding to Univision lawsuit
National Hispanic Media Coalition news release challenging Nielsen ratings of Latino TV viewing
Univision files lawsuit against Nielsen to stop people meter implementation in LA