A judge on Thursday approved an agreement between environmental groups and the federal government imposing restrictions on the off-road vehicle use of more than 11 million acres of public land in Southern California deserts, as well as potential areas within LA, Riverside and Imperial Counties. Are such restrictions really needed? Must all off road enthusiasts bear the brunt of a disrespectful few? We ask a desert ecologist, and representatives of a national off-road recreation organization and the California region of the US Forest Service. (Kyle McKinnon guest hosts.)
- Newsmaker Energy - Is Sacramento on the verge of an energy meltdown? Lynda Gledhill is monitoring the energy crisis for The San Francisco Chronicle. She updates us on the latest flurry of developments, which include an audit of possible overcharges by California's major electricity suppliers and the near bankruptcy of its smaller qualifying facilities.
- Reporter's Notebook: Mayoral Candidate Francis DellaVecchia - An LA County Ethics Commission's limitation on matching funds makes it tough for grass roots candidates to gain critical media recognition. Francis DellaVecchia introduces us to his interactive Internet campaign, shares his political platform and holistic WatchTheMayor.com philosophy.
Blue Ribbon Coalition
California State Legislature
California Wilderness Coalition
Center for Biological Diversity
Francis Della Vecchia
San Francisco Chronicle
US Bureau of Land Management
US Forest Service