- Reporter's Notebook: Death of Master Hollywood Makeup Artist
Gwyneth Paltrow, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts, Janet Jackson and Jennifer Lopez are just some of the Hollywood stars who put their trust in makeup artist Kevyn Aucoin, who commanded up to $ 6,000 a day for his work. Aucoin died yesterday of a pituitary brain tumor at the age of 40. Anne Slowey, of Elle Magazine, recalls how the master makeup artist also enhanced the natural beauty of "ordinary people".
Oracle Contract Creates Turmoil in Election Year
California Republicans are rubbing their hands over a multi-million dollar software deal made by Gray Davis' administration. Last year, the state signed a $ 95 million no-bid contract with Oracle Corporation. Oracle would supply state agencies with database software that would save up to $ 111 million. But a recent state audit found that the deal could cost the state $ 41 million. There's also been document-shredding, resignations of top aides, questionable campaign contributions and possible criminal investigations, none of which are good for a Governor whose ratings are already dismal in this re-election year. First we get the facts, then look at the politics of the latest "computer virus" to hit Sacramento with political consultants to the state Democratic and Republican parties.