Playa Vista; Electrical Power

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Although no longer the future home of Dreamworks Studios, the proposed Playa Vista project is as controversial as ever. With the fate of LA's last major open land at the core of the issue, the Los Angeles City Council tomorrow will consider issuing tax-free bonds to help fund the massive Westside development that is itself the size of a large town. Will the infusion of public dollars help restore the Ballona Wetlands or destroy them forever? We get very different opinions from a freelance writer for the LA Weekly and the woman who led the original battle to save the Wetlands from McGuire Thomas Development.
  • Newsmaker: FERC Decision and State Purchase of SDG&E; Grid - There was progress on the energy front today. Bloomberg News reporter Daniel Taub attended the Sacramento press conference at which Governor Davis announced the FERC's agreement to expand price controls, curtail "megawatt laundering," and the state's purchase San Diego Gas & Electric's transmission lines.
  • Reporter's Notebook: SCE Blackout Warning System - Despite the promise of a long hot summer, aggravated by a shortage of energy, Southern California Edison customers can look forward to some relief. That's the assurance of Bill Bryan, who provides us with a primer on SCE's newly developed blackout warnings, including when they'll come and how to find them. (SCE's outage hotline is 800-611-1911.)

Bloomberg News

State of California

California Independent System Operator


Federal Energy Regulatory Committee

Friends of Ballona Wetlands

LA Weekly

Playa Vista

San Diego Gas & Electric

Southern California Edison
(Outage Hotline: 800-611-1911)



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton