Power Shortage and Conservation

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Faced with the prospect of as many as 44 days of rolling blackouts, Southern Californians should prepare for a "long, dark summer." Though we can't control the weather, we can practice energy-wise habits and take advantage of several rebates and incentives. Representatives of the California Energy Commission, LA Department of Water and Power, and Southern California Edison's share some common sense conservation ideas, ways to keep informed about rolling blackouts, and websites that offer online "energy audits"
  • Newsmaker: Writers Guild and Hollywood Producers Settle Strike Hollywood writers and producers have settled their contract dispute. Unanimously recommended by the negotiating committee, the settlement must now be approved by guild members. Bryce Zabel, of the Writers Guild Board of Directors, gives us a glimpse at the new contract and what it will mean for writers - and actors.
  • Reporter's Notebook: LAUSD School Construction - The LA Unified School District says it will take 5 years to end forced busing, that long to build more than 80 new schools for 63,000 new students. KCRW's Kristen Muller, who spent a day with one of the people searching for new school sites, discovered that industrial contamination and the gang turf complicate the task.

California Energy Commission

California Rebate Programs

LA Department of Water & Power

LA Unified School District

Southern California Edison

Writers Guild of America



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton