topic: Fire Dept. Budget
Proposition 209
Kevin Eckery: Deputy Secretary, Office of State and Consumer Services Benetta Johnson: Chair and spokesperson Alameda Corridor Jobs Coalition. Also activist with the greater Bethany Economic Development Coalition Rev. Stephen McGlover: Vice Chair Black Business Association of Los Angeles. Founder and president, Oasis Office Products John Yoo: Acting professor of law at Boalt Hall, UC Berkeley's Law School. Specializes in constitutional and international law Gary Tudor: Director of admissions, UC Davis Assemblyman Bernie Richter: Republican Assemblyman from Chico. Author of AB 1700, that would end some programs found illegal under Prop 209 by the Legislative Analysts Office Assemblyman Kevin Murray: Democratic Assemblyman from Los Angeles. Sponsoring legislation that would amend the state constitution to abolish Prop 209 Ken Buzzell: President, United Firefighters, City of Los Angeles Susan Wilson: Former columnist with the Santa Monica Outlook, starting a new paper in Santa Monica