- Reporter's Notebook: Exhibition Looks at Cultural Impact of American Flag
After September 11, there was an outburst of patriotism and American flags began appearing everywhere. Now, at the Armory Northwest in Pasadena, the Center for the Study of Political Graphics has launched an exhibition on the cultural impact of the American flag. Co-curator Carol Wells says the exhibit demonstrates that free speech is alive and well as it depicts the many uses of the flag as a political symbol.
Redefining Southern California
Results from the 2000 census are dismantling stereotypes about California, redefining a region very different from what it was a decade ago. One sixth of all California households -- four and a half million, received an extended questionnaire known as the -long form.- Their answers reveal details ranging from family income to the presence of flush toilets. There are also data on education, language and a host of other subjects, all of which add up to the most comprehensive reliable survey of who Californians are and how they live. We get three interpretations, from a demographer at the Milken Institute in Santa Monica, the author of Holy Land: A Suburban Memoir about the creation of Lakewood, and the director of Loyola Marymount University-s Center for the Study of Los Angeles.