San Bernardino Pill Ban

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The morning-after pill is a contraceptive to pro-choice advocates, a mini-abortion to pro-lifers. Now the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors is trying to try to stop distribution of the pill at county health clinics. It's requested a waiver from the Bush administration that would allow clinics to continue to receive federal family planning funds without providing access to the emergency contraceptive. Leaders of the Pasadena-based Right to Life League and local Planned Parenthood affiliate give us a preview of the local debate that may become a national battle. (Kyle McKinnon guest hosts.)
  • Newsmaker: PUC President Proposes 40 Percent Rate Hike - Public Utilities Commission head Loretta Lynch says the PUC will consider alternatives tomorrow to ensure that California is repaid for its purchase of the state's energy needs. Resolved that average residents be rewarded for conservation efforts, she warns that energy hogs will face increased rates to help California through its present energy crisis.
  • Reporter's Notebook: Post-Oscar Hollywood Contract Realities - Hollywood celebrated itself last night at the Academy Awards, but many of those entertainers, cinematographers, writers and producers may not be working in a few months. Bob Dowling, of The Hollywood Reporter, looks at unresolved labor initiatives, fast tracking, pattern bargaining and the immediate future of Hollywood.

California Public Utilities Commission

The Hollywood Reporter

Planned Parenthood of California

Right to Life League



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton