Groups in Hollywood, the Harbor and the San Fernando Valley want to break up the City of Los Angeles. On Wednesday, the state's Local Agency Formation Commission, which must approve any such proposal before it goes on the ballot, gave new momentum to the secession movement when it reported that Hollywood could be a viable independent city. Still to come are LAFCO's reports on the Harbor area and the San Fernando Valley. We hear some of the pros and cons of breaking up America's second largest city from LA City Councilman Tom LaBonge and secessionist Richard Katz, and find out whether secessionists are for real or just leveraging to get more services out of City Hall.
- Newsmaker: Supervisors Try to Kill Health Workers Ballot Item
The LA Board of Supervisors has been accused of violating the Brown Act in its handling of a proposed ballot initiative. The measure, which would raise the pay of health aides who care for the elderly in their homes, is backed by the Service Employees International Union. Union President Tyrone Freeman explains why the union filed suit with the District Attorney. Supervisor Yvonne Brathwaite Burke defends the Board's integrity.
Brown Act
LA County Board of Supervisors
Los Angeles Times
SEIU, Chapter 434B
California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions
The Daily News
LA City Council's Secession Committee
LA County Local Agency Formation Commission
Valley Industry and Commerce Association
Valley VOTE